Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mr. Percival Gnome

I haven't had any new knitting, because I've been working on bigger projects that take longer to complete. We haven't been hiking, because we have been too busy on the weekends. Also it's been 90F+, and who wants to hike in that? I haven't read any more of my free for blogging about them books, because I have been reading book club books instead. 

But I got a little tiny garden gnome. I've decided to name him Percival, per my friend Nancy's suggestion. He was a prize for a silly game I played at a friend's bridal shower. I had to guess the couple written on a sticker on my forehead.

These are the clues I ended up with:
1. They are real but have been portrayed in movies.
2. One is from Europe, sort of?
3. They existed in a time before electricity. 
4. One of them died sort of young?

Mr. Percival Gnome now lives in our tiny garden. He tried out the Thyme and Basil, but ended up living in the fruit free. I can't remember what fruit, mostly because it hasn't made any yet. Maybe something with a P?

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