Saturday, July 2, 2016

New Game

I normally get books to review, but this time there was an option for a game. Since I like games I got it. I wasn't expecting to love this game, since I don't love puns, and it states that it is a game for pun lovers. Steven loves puns, so I thought he might like it. 

The game makes a claim to be the new Cards Against Humanity. I can't say I really liked the game, but I definitely disagree with that claim. Cards Against Humanity has only the requirements that you read english and aren't easily offended. It doesn't require much thinking and if you have no clue for a round nothing really happens. Punderdome requires a lot of thinking. You are given two topics and you have to write your own pun combining them. Some combinations are easier than others, but when you can't come up with anything it is frustrating. 

Also it seems to be a wasteful game. Each round you write your pun on a piece of paper. By the end of game there was a lot of little paper bits. 

I would like to watch this game be played by people who are really good at puns. It might be amusing. I don't think it is a game that can be enjoyed by any group. Which is something that is good to have in a game.

Some examples of our rounds.

Cat in the Hat

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